The Colt Model 1869

The Colt Model 1869 was produced between 1860 and 1877 and around 200,500 were made. This weapon was the most used handgun during the Civil War. It was popular with both Union and Confederate soldiers. It was a Percussion revolver, with rammer loading from the front of the cylinder. The gun weighed 2.74 pounds and was fitted with 7.5 or 8-in barrel with.
Caliber .44

The Colt Single Action Army M1873
The Colt Single Action Army — also known as the Model P, Peacemaker, M1873, Single Action Army, SAA, and Colt .45 — is a single action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six metallic cartridges. This revolver would go down in history as the most popular revolver in old west. This model is considered the first generation. The first generation revolvers were produced between 1873 - 1941. They would also become standard issue for the U.S. Army. The Single Action Army became available in standard barrel lengths of 4¾", 5½" as well as the Cavalry standard, original 7½". The shorter barreled revolvers are sometimes called the "Civilian" or "Gunfighter" model (4¾") and the Artillery Model (5½"). Weighed 2.3 lbs.
.45 caliber
The Colt Walker 1847

The Colt Walker was the largest and most powerful black powder repeating handgun ever made. Designed in 1847 by Samuel Colt and Texas Ranger Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker. Only 1100 of these guns were produced so they were hard to come by. The Colt Walker holds a powder charge of 60 grains (3.9 g) in each chamber, more than twice what a typical black powder revolver holds. It weighs 4½ pounds unloaded, has a 9-inch barrel, and fires a .44 caliber round ball. Captain Samuel Walker would carry the Colt Walker into the Mexican-American War. He was killed the same year in battle that the famous gun was invented.
Remington Model 1875

Remington model 1875 single action army revolver also known as the "New Army" or "New Frontier" was manufactured between 1875-1889. This revolver was produced to compete with Colt's single action Army. The model 1875 did not sell well do to the contract Colt had with the U.S. Army. However, the U.S. Army did purchased 650 and were given to the Indian Police, 1000 were sold to the Mexican government, and the Egyptian government contracted for delivery of 10,000, but few were produced and delivered due to significant unpaid debts owed. The barrel length is 7.5-in and weighed 2.8 pounds.
45. caliber
Winchester Model 1873 "The Gun That Won The West"

The Winchester Model 1873 is considered by many to be “The Gun That Won The West.” In its production, over 700,000 were produced. The rifle would be manufactured over 50 years with my options for stocks, barrel lengths, sights, and other features. The most popular chambering for the Model 1873 was .40 caliber.
1866 Carbine "Yellow Boy"

The 1866 Carbine was named the "Yellow Boy" after its distinctive brass receiver. The model had some improvements from the previous version with a loading port on the side of the frame. A carbine ring was also added. Some 157,000 Winchester Model 1866 were produced between 1866 and 1891. It was a .44 caliber, 20 inch barrel, walnut grips, and a 14 lever repeating shot.